Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Inspired Courage

Elizabeth was a courageous woman. She met her husband Jim Elliot in college. In the years that followed their marriage, they moved to Ecuador and participated in Operation Auca which was an attempt to evangelize the Huaorani tribe. Since the tribe was full of cannibals, they just flew over the village and dropped down gifts.

One day, they were sending down gifts when one of the tribe members waved at them. They decided to take Operation Auca to the next step. The men would land the plane and try to talk to the tribesmen. The next morning, the men got out of the plane and were immediately killed. Jim Elliot died but his faith did not. One of his quotes found in his journal was;
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose."

Jim Elliot lived that way and so did his wife. She later went back to the Huaorani tribe in Ecuador and shared the Truth to her husband's killers for two years.  After she left, most of the tribe members were Christians. Elizabeth Elliot passed away June 15th this year.

When I hear these stories it inspires me not to be scared of sharing the love of God with others. I am not as brave as the Elliots. I have no clue if I would have done what either of them did. Then again, maybe they didn't realize they had enough courage to do what they did either. The courage that God gives us is enough, we just have to be willing to use it.

The bravest person on Earth died on a cross for us. He is the greatest inspiration of all. To be honest, sometimes I do not have the courage to be a light in dark places. Not yet, anyway. But I am willing to try. Sometimes to decide to be brave IS being brave.

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