Saturday, February 28, 2015

Almost Portuguese

Hi! I'm Elaina, I'm an ordinary 14 year old high-schooler. Well sort of, apart from the fact that I live on the other side of the globe. When I was only nine years old, I moved from Orlando, Florida (the place I called home) to Portugal. I created this blog for my family, for the people that need inspiration and for the people who feel invisible. I have been there, I know what it feels like.
Some people think it is weird that I was learning my fourth language by the age of twelve or that I have been to over eight different countries. For me, it's completly normal for my parents to go to Switzerland for a week. Some people are jelouse of what an awesome life I have.
It is true, I am really lucky. But, I didn't come here just for any reason. I came here so that others might follow the one person who I trust and put my faith in completely. God!
To do that I have to be Almost Portuguese!

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