Sunday, April 5, 2015

What are you Waiting for!

This is an Intro to a devotional that helped me 31 verses every teenager should know…Hope:
Some people have been let down and disappointed so often that they've become hard toward the idea of Hope. Is that you? Perhaps promises made to you in the past have been broken. Maybe your expectations and dreams have been dashed against the rocks. Whatever the case, whatever you may have experienced in the past, you need to know that there is a source of unending and ultimately satisfying Hope.

                                            What are you waiting for!

There comes a time in life when you start to doubt. Why you are here? You start to question your own existence. When you start to feel invisible to others and invisible to God. When you realize you are an alien in this world. ( 1 Peter 2:11)
That time for me came in January 2014. I started to ask myself if I really believed in God or if it was just a tradition passed down from generation to generation.
 My faith was tested time and time again. Sometimes I fell, yet I have learned that there is always a Hand to pick me up. (Psalms 139:23) Always someone. Something that is motivating me to move forward. If you are reading this now just know that you have touched me in some sort of way. I hope my story will touch you and make you feel important. Make you realize that there is always a hand sticking out to you from God. Know that you are not alone, you are not the only person who feels invisible or out of place.
If you feel like you are doing great, maybe you know someone that isn't or that needs help. Help them! Let them know that you and God are with them.  Remember that someone helped you up when you were down.
I look around and see all the faces of people who care about me, who love me, who want what's best for me. I feel so blessed, but yet so empty, I feel like there is a part of me missing. Apart of me that I haven't seen in so long…HOPE. ( Isaiah 40:31) Hope for those who are broken. Hope in my relationship with God. Hope for all those people who have doubted themselves, who think they have nothing else to live for. Well, you do have something to live for, it doesn't matter what you believe. We were all sent here for a purpose. Find out your purpose.
I know why I am here on this earth. I have found my purpose to my very existence. Sure, it took awhile, but I got there. Now it is your turn. Once you figure out why you are here, you can change the world. So What are you Waiting for! ( Hebrews 12:1)

Make sure you listen to: What are you Waiting for!-  Natalie Grant